

Ballarat Wildcats Basketball Club

Playing Jersey: $50.00
Playing shorts: $50.00

* Please note: The playing jersey remains the property of Wildcats Basketball Club. These can be changed over, free of charge as your child grows and a bigger size is required. If you leave the club, you need to return your jersey, and a refund of $40.00 will be given. Playing shorts are yours to keep. Due to health regulations, we aren’t allowed to take back shorts.

How can I get a uniform?

We will have uniform nights at the beginning of each season. These days and times will be communicated on the Facebook page, and also on the website. If you require anything in between these nights please Contact us and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

How do I pay for uniform?

We have eftpos available at all uniform nights. You can also make a direct bank deposit. Details can be found on our Registration and Fees page. Unfortunately, we can’t accept cash as we don’t hold cash on the premises.

Can I buy merchandise?

New merchandise to match our new uniforms will be available soon. Watch this space! 

New Uniforms - Ballarat Wildcats Basketball Club
Wildcats Uniforms and Merchandise will be available online on the website soon!

Contact Us with all your Uniform enquiries

Wildcats Basketball Club INC